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August 6 2024

Battle of Kursk: Russia Deploys Forces to Counter Ukrainian Border Incursion

August 6, 2024

Kursk, Russia - Breaking News

Russia has reportedly deployed air and artillery forces to counter a Ukrainian border incursion in Kursk Oblast. The move comes amid heightened tensions between the two countries and follows recent military exercises in the region.

According to Russian news agencies, the Ukrainian forces crossed the border into Kursk Oblast on August 6. The incursion is said to have been small-scale, involving several armored vehicles and a number of troops.

The Russian military has responded swiftly, deploying air and artillery forces to the area. The Ukrainian forces are reportedly taking defensive positions and have not yet engaged with the Russian forces.

The situation in Kursk Oblast remains fluid. Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have been escalating in recent weeks, and it is unclear whether the current incident will lead to further conflict.
