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Background Of The Case

Bayer Wins Appeal in Roundup Cancer Lawsuit Fight

Background of the Case

Bayer AG, the German pharmaceutical and chemical giant, has won a significant legal victory in its ongoing battle against lawsuits alleging that its popular weedkiller, Roundup, causes cancer.

The legal battle has been ongoing for years, with thousands of lawsuits filed against Bayer, claiming that exposure to Roundup caused them to develop cancer, particularly non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

The Appeal Court's Ruling

On August 15, 2023, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Bayer, overturning a lower court ruling that had allowed the lawsuits to proceed.

The appeals court found that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has exclusive authority to regulate pesticides like Roundup and that individual lawsuits over alleged health risks are preempted by federal law.

Bayer's Response

Bayer welcomed the court's decision, calling it a "significant victory" and a "vindication of our long-held position that Roundup is safe when used as directed."

The company said it believes the ruling will "help to bring closure to this litigation and allow us to focus on our mission of providing safe and effective products to our customers."

Plaintiffs' Reaction

Plaintiffs' attorneys expressed disappointment with the ruling and said they plan to appeal to the Supreme Court.

They argue that the EPA's approval of Roundup does not shield Bayer from liability if the product is later found to be harmful.

Significance of the Ruling

The Ninth Circuit's ruling is a major setback for plaintiffs seeking to hold Bayer liable for Roundup-related cancers.

It could also have implications for other lawsuits involving pesticides and other federally regulated products.


The legal battle over Roundup is likely to continue, but Bayer's victory in the appeals court is a significant development that could have far-reaching implications for future lawsuits involving pesticides and other regulated products.
